SuperHack CD.bin
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INI File
587 lines
n0=----------------------T╥╧LΩT ╨∙c|{ -Scan- Aliases------------------------
n1=/cstat {
n2= .enable #cstat
n3= set %StatsChanOps 0
n4= set %StatsNonOps 0
n5= set %StatsIRCops 0
n6= set %StatsAway 0
n7= set %StatsVoiced 0
n8= set %StatsHere 0
n9= set %StatsClones 0
n10= if ($1 == $null) && ($2 == $null) && (#* iswm $active) { set %statchan # | set %StatsDisplay msg # | who %statchan }
n11= elseif ($1 == -e) && ($2 == $null) && (#* iswm $active) { set %statchan # | set %StatsDisplay echo %statchan | who %statchan }
n12= elseif (#* iswm $1) && ($2 == $null) { set %statchan $1 | if ($me ison %statchan) { set %StatsDisplay msg %statchan } | else { set %StatsDisplay echo -s } | who %statchan }
n13= elseif ($1 == -e) && (#* iswm $2) { set %statchan $2 | set %StatsDisplay echo %statchan | who %statchan }
n14= else {
n15= echo 3Invalid command option or you tried to retrieve stats on the current channel when you were not in a channel.
n16= echo 3Usage: /cstat [-e] [#channel]
n17= echo -
n18= }
n20=percent {
n21= %x = [ $$1 ] * [ 10000 ]
n22= %x = [ %x ] / [ $$2 ]
n23= if ($len(%x) == 1) { set %x 0. $+ %x | goto next }
n24= if ($len(%x) == 2) { set %x 0. $+ %x | goto next }
n25= if ($len(%x) == 3) { set %x $left(%x,1) $+ . $+ $right(%x,2) | goto next }
n26= if ($len(%x) == 4) { set %x $left(%x,2) $+ . $+ $right(%x,2) | goto next }
n27= if ($len(%x) == 5) { set %x $left(%x,3) $+ . $+ $right(%x,2) | goto next }
n28= :next
n29= if ($right(%x,3) == .00) { set %x $remove(%x,.00) | goto next2 }
n30= if (*0 iswm %x) {
n31= if ($len(%x) == 4) { set %x $left(%x,1) }
n32= if ($len(%x) == 5) { set %x $left(%x,2) }
n33= if ($len(%x) == 6) { set %x $left(%x,3) }
n34= }
n35= :next2
n36= return %x
n37= unset %x
n40=ircopscan {
n41= if ($1 == $null) { echo 4 -a Error, type: /ircopscan [-e|-c] | halt }
n42= if (# == $null) { set %window -s } | else { set %window # } | set %total 0 | write -c $mircdir $+ raw.txt
n43= if ($1 == -e) { echo 10T7╥10╧7L10Ω7T 10╨7∙10c7K 6:Now Listing Visable IRCops- | set %total 0 | set %option 1 | write $mircdir $+ raw.txt /echo 4 %window 6:4ñ6: -Listing IRCops- :4ñ6: | .enable #ircopscan | who 0 o }
n44= if ($1 == -c) {
n45= if (# == $null) { echo 4 -s Error, try using this is the channel window. | halt }
n46= msg # 10T7╥10╧7L10Ω7T 10╨7∙10c7K 6:Now Listing Visable IRCops-
n47= set %total 0 | set %option 2 | write $mircdir $+ raw.txt /msg # 6:4ñ6: -Listing IRCops- :4ñ6: | .enable #ircopscan | who 0 o
n48= }
n50=-----------------------T╥╧LΩT ╨∙c|{ -TitleTimer- Aliases-----------------------
n51=timeon { .timer109 0 180 /autoping | .timer2050 0 1 /seconds | %days = 0 | %hours = 0 | %minutes = 0 | %seconds = 0 }
n52=seconds {
n53= inc %seconds 1 | titlebar : <( %hours Hrs %minutes Mins %seconds Secs)> ---[ T╥╧LΩT ╨∙cK: ]--- Lag: <( %Reply $+ . $+ %randtime Secs )>
n54= if (%seconds = 60) { %seconds = 0 | inc %minutes 1 }
n55= if (%minutes = 60) { %minutes = 0 | inc %hours 1 | dong }
n56= if (%hours > 24) { %hours = 0 | inc %days 1 }
n58=timeoff { .timer2050 off | .timer109 off | titlebar : T╥╧LΩT ╨∙cK: -v3.5- {QuAcK! QuAcK! }
n59=-----------------------T╥╧LΩT ╨∙c|{ -Floods- Aliases-----------------------
n60=/cp /echo $active %portnick $+ 's client port: %cport
n61=/Ver-Flood {
n62= dde duckie1 command "" /set %flood $$1
n63= dde duckie1 command "" /play -c $$1 $mircdir $+ floods\version.fld 800
n64= dde duckie2 command "" /set %flood $$1
n65= dde duckie2 command "" /play -c $$1 $mircdir $+ floods\version.fld 800
n67=/Echo-Flood {
n68= dde duckie1 command "" /set %flood2 $$1
n69= dde duckie1 command "" /play -c $$1 $mircdir $+ floods\echo.fld 2000
n70= dde duckie2 command "" /set %flood2 $$1
n71= dde duckie2 command "" /play -c $$1 $mircdir $+ floods\echo.fld 2000
n73=/Ping-Flood {
n74= dde duckie1 command "" /set %flood3 $$1
n75= dde duckie1 command "" /play -c $$1 $mircdir $+ floods\ping.fld 800
n76= dde duckie2 command "" /set %flood3 $$1
n77= dde duckie2 command "" /play -c $$1 $mircdir $+ floods\ping.fld 800
n79=/Send-Flood {
n80= dde duckie1 command "" /set %flood4 $$1
n81= dde duckie1 command "" /play -c $$1 $mircdir $+ floods\send.fld 800
n82= dde duckie2 command "" /set %flood4 $$1
n83= dde duckie2 command "" /play -c $$1 $mircdir $+ floods\send.fld 800
n85=/Chat-Flood {
n86= dde duckie1 command "" /set %flood5 $$1
n87= dde duckie1 command "" /play -c $$1 $mircdir $+ floods\chat.fld 1500
n88= dde duckie2 command "" /set %flood5 $$1
n89= dde duckie2 command "" /play -c $$1 $mircdir $+ floods\chat.fld 1500
n91=/Hop-Flood {
n92= dde duckie1 command "" /set %flood6 $$1
n93= dde duckie1 command "" /play -c $$1 $mircdir $+ floods\hop.fld 1000
n94= dde duckie2 command "" /set %flood6 $$1
n95= dde duckie2 command "" /play -c $$1 $mircdir $+ floods\hop.fld 1000
n97=/clonejoin {
n98= dde duckie1 command "" /join $$1
n99= dde duckie2 command "" /join $$1
n101=/clonepart {
n102= dde duckie1 command "" /part $$1
n103= dde duckie2 command "" /part $$1
n105=/clonekill {
n106= dde duckie1 command "" /exit
n107= dde duckie2 command "" /exit
n109=-----------------------T╥╧LΩT ╨∙c|{ -Shortcuts- Aliases-----------------------
n110=/bots {
n111= if ( x ison #) { %bot = X@channels.undernet.org }
n112= if ( w ison #) { %bot = W@channels2.undernet.org }
n114=/minvite if %in > $snick(0,#) { timer678 off } | Else { /inc %in | /invite $snick(%in,#) $$1 }
n115=/inviter /set %in 0 | /.timer678 0 3 /minvite $$1
n116=/op /mode # +ooo $$1 $2 $3
n117=/dop /mode # -ooo $$1 $2 $3
n118=/j /join #$$1
n119=/p /part #
n120=/n /names #$$1
n121=/w /whois $$1
n122=/k /kick # $$1
n123=/q /query $$1
n124=/hop /part # | /join #$$1
n125=/send /dcc send $1 $2
n126=/chat /dcc chat $1
n127=/ping /ctcp $$1 ping
n128=/echoclone /msg =^Flush^
n129=/sj /join #$$1 $+ $chr(160) $+ $$2
n130=/in /invite $$1 #
n131=/page /ctcp $$1 page
n132=/fi /raw -q INVITE $1 $2 | echo -a %pipe 3fake-invited $1 to $2
n133=/bigchans /.timer 9 3 /bigchan
n135=/autoping /.ctcp $me ping
n136=/dong /
n137=/on {
n138= /inc %opsnotice 1
n139= /.onotice # 4,1[# $+ %opsnotice $+ ]9,1[ $+ $chan $+ ][ Ops Only ]4,1[# $+ %opsnotice $+ ] *1
n140= /echo -a 9,1Message has been sent to the Ops of4,1< # $+ >
n142=/startup /.timer 1 5 /play -c $me $mircdir $+ docs\duck.txt 200
n143=/whoserver //set %wesuck 0 1 | /timer100 0 1 /timer %wesuck /run telnet | /timer200 0 1 /timer %wesuck /run telnet
n144=/loadcmds /load -a aliases.ini | /load -p popups.ini | /load -v remote.ini | /load -c remote.ini | /load -e events.ini | /load -r remote.ini
n145=/taked /mode # +tilkn 1 QuAcK | .timer 1 5 /topic # =*****)- T╥╧LΩT ╨∙c|{ ⌐L└± TaKeOvEr -(*****= | /massd
n147=-----------------Away Stuff--------------------
n148=/awayst /amsg 3*** Away [ $+ %msg $+ ] : Page: $+ %Pager Msg: $+ %log
n149=-----------------------T╥╧LΩT ╨∙c|{ -FakeStuff- Aliases-----------------------
n150=fakedcc {
n151= raw -q privmsg $$1 :DCC SEND $$2 3353362454 20 $$3
n153=ghost {
n154= join $$1 $+ $chr(160)
n156=-----------------------T╥╧LΩT ╨∙c|{ -Time- Aliases-----------------------
n157=Atime { set %hr $token(1,58,$time) | set %min $token(2,58,$time) | If (%hr == 0) { set %hr 12 | set %sub a.m. } | elseif (%hr < 12) { set %sub a.m. } | elseif (%hr == 12) { set %sub p.m. } | else { %hr = %hr - 12 | set %sub p.m. } | %Atime = %hr $+ : $+ %min %sub | Return %Atime }
n159=Kt Unset %Kts | %Kt = 1 | %KtLen = $len($atime) | :Space | If %Kt > %KtLen { Goto End } | Else { %Kts = %Kts $+ $mid(%Kt,1,$1) | Inc %Kt | Goto Space } | :End | Return %Kts
n160=-----------------------T╥╧LΩT ╨∙c|{ -Hawkee Mail- Aliases-----------------------
n161=F1 {
n162= if $chatme != yes {
n163= if %connect == $null || %email == $null || %password == $null {
n164= echo 4 -a Error in setup
n165= echo 2 -a Please press12 F52 to correct this error }
n166= else {
n167= echo 2 -a Connecting to mail server, Please wait
n168= echo 2 -a Checking mail for:12 %email
n169= raw -q privmsg $me :DCC CHAT CHAT %connect 110 $+
n170= .enable #check
n171= .timer300 60 60 invalid
n172= }
n173= }
n174= else {
n175= .enable #getmail
n176= msg = $+ $me retr %number
n177= inc %number
n178= }
n180=F2 {
n181= if $chatme != yes {
n182= if %connect == $null || %email == $null || %password == $null {
n183= echo 4 -a Error in setup
n184= echo 2 -a Please press12 F52 to correct this error }
n185= else {
n186= set %rcpt $$?="Who would you like to email?"
n187= set %subject $?="Please enter E-Mail Subject"
n188= set %message $$?="You may now enter your email message"
n189= :loop
n190= if $len(%message) >= 255 { set %message $$?="There is a 256 char limit in mIRC, reenter:" }
n191= if $len(%message) >= 255 goto loop
n192= raw -q privmsg $me :DCC CHAT CHAT %connect 25 $+
n193= .timer300 60 60 invalid
n194= .enable #mail
n195= }
n196= }
n197= else {
n198= set %delete [ [ %number ] - 1 ]
n199= msg = $+ $me dele %delete
n200= echo 2 -a Message12 %delete 2has been deleted
n201= unset %delete
n202= }
n204=F3 {
n205= if $chatme != yes { setup }
n206= else {
n207= close -m Hawkee $+ $chr(160) $+ Pro $+ $chr(160) $+ v2.0 $+ $chr(160) $+ Mail $+ $chr(160) $+ Server
n208= close -c $me
n209= }
n211=F5 {
n212= .timer300 off
n213= set %email $?="Please enter your email address"
n214= set %pop $$?="Please enter your mail server's POP domain"
n215= set %password $$?="Please enter you E-Mail password"
n216= .enable #checkdomain
n217= .timer300 60 60 invalid
n218= .dns %pop
n220=chatme {
n221= set %loop 1
n222= :loop
n223= if %loop > $chat(0) goto end
n224= if $chat(%loop) == $me { return yes | goto end }
n225= inc %loop
n226= goto loop
n227= :end
n229=gets {
n230= set %result 0
n231= set %loop 1
n232= :loop
n233= if %loop > $send(0) goto end
n234= if $send(%loop) == $$1 inc %result
n235= inc %loop
n236= goto loop
n237= :end
n238= return %result
n240=invalid {
n241= close -c $me
n242= .timer300 off
n243= echo 2 -
n244= echo 4 Connection to mail server timed out
n245= echo 12 Please try one of the following to obtain a connection:
n246= echo 12 1:2 Try entering the Mail prefix ex: 10mail2.geocities.com
n247= echo 12 2:2 Make sure you have entered only the domain
n248= echo 12 3:2 Be sure you are attempting to connect to a POP3 account
n249= echo 12 4:2 Attempt connection later
n250= echo 10 You may press2 F510 to re-enter your POP server address
n251= echo 2 -
n252= unset %send
n253= .disable #checkdomain
n254= .disable #check
n255= .disable #mail
n257=email {
n258= echo 2 -a -=-=-=-=-=-=-=Mail Setup For 10T7╥10╧7L10Ω7T 10╨7∙10c7K v3.5=-=-=-=-=-=-
n259= echo 2 -a E-Mail address:12 %email
n260= echo 2 -a Pop server address:12 %pop
n261= echo 2 -a E-Mail password for Pop access:12 %password
n262= echo 2 -a Press12 F12 to check mail and12 F22 to send mail
n263= echo 2 -a -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=12End of Setup2=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
n265=-----------------------T╥╧LΩT ╨∙c|{ -MISC- Aliases-----------------------
n266=/rankick {
n267= if ($opnick == $me) { halt }
n268= else { kick # $nick($rand(1,$nick(0,#)),#) RAnDoM PeRºoN kIcK!
n269= }
n271=/massd {
n272= set %chan #
n273= set %i 1
n274= set %num 0
n275= :start
n276= set %user $opnick(%i,%chan)
n277= if (%user == $null) { raw -q mode # -oooooo %nick | echo 6 # T╥╧LΩT ╨∙c|{ Mass Deop On # Complete! | unset %nick | unset %i | unset %chan | unset %num | halt }
n278= if (%user != $me) { set %nick %user %nick | if (%num == 6) { raw -q mode %chan -oooooo %nick | unset %nick | set %num 0 } }
n279= inc %i 1
n280= inc %num 1
n281= goto start
n283=/massd2 {
n284= set %chan #
n285= set %i 1
n286= set %num 0
n287= :start
n288= set %user $opnick(%i,%chan)
n289= if (%user == $null) { raw -q mode # -oo %nick | echo 6 # T╥╧LΩT ╨∙c|{ Mass Deop On # Complete! | unset %nick | unset %i | unset %chan | unset %num | halt }
n290= if (%user != $me) { set %nick %user %nick | if (%num == 2) { raw -q mode %chan -oo %nick | unset %nick | set %num 0 } }
n291= inc %i 1
n292= inc %num 1
n293= goto start
n295=/massk {
n296= set %i 1
n297= :start
n298= set %nick $nick(%i,#)
n299= if (%nick == $null) { echo 6 # T╥╧LΩT ╨∙c|{ Mass Kick On # Complete! | halt }
n300= if (%nick != $me) { kick # %nick T╥╧LΩT ╨∙c|{ Mass Kick }
n301= inc %i 1
n302= goto start
n304=/massb {
n305= set %i 1
n306= :start
n307= set %nick $nick(%i,#)
n308= if (%nick == $null) { echo 6 # T╥╧LΩT ╨∙c|{ Mass Ban On # Complete! | halt }
n309= if (%nick != $me) { ban # %nick 3 }
n310= inc %i 1
n311= goto start
n313=/masskb {
n314= set %i 1
n315= :start
n316= set %nick $nick(%i,#)
n317= if (%nick == $null) { echo 6 # T╥╧LΩT ╨∙c|{ Mass Kick Ban On # Complete! | halt }
n318= if (%nick != $me) { ban # %nick 3 | kick # %nick T╥╧LΩT ╨∙c|{ Mass Kick/Ban }
n319= inc %i 1
n320= goto start
n322=/desync1 /raw -q mode # +bbbbbb 1@1 2@2 3@3 4@4 5@5 6@6 | /raw -q mode # +bbbbbb 7@7 8@8 9@9 10@10 11@11 12@12 | /raw -q mode # +bbbbbb 13@13 14@14 15@15 16@16 17@17 18@18 | /raw -q mode # +bbbbbb 19@19 20@20 21@21 22@22 23@23 24@24 | /raw -q mode # +bbbbbb 25@25 26@26 27@27 28@28 29@29 30@30
n323=/desync2 /raw -q mode # -bbbbbb 1@1 2@2 3@3 4@4 5@5 6@6 | /raw -q mode # -bbbbbb 7@7 8@8 9@9 10@10 11@11 12@12 | /raw -q mode # -bbbbbb 13@13 14@14 15@15 16@16 17@17 18@18 | /raw -q mode # -bbbbbb 19@19 20@20 21@21 22@22 23@23 24@24 | /raw -q mode # -bbbbbb 25@25 26@26 27@27 28@28 29@29 30@30
n324=/f8 /taked
n325=/sf8 /run $mircdir $+ docs\split.txt | echo -a 10Currently Split Servers 6 òLoadedò 10 (10T7╥10╧7L10Ω7T 10╨7∙10c7K)
n326=/F10 /play -c $me $mircdir $+ docs\awaym.txt 500
n327=/F11 /run notepad.exe
n328=/F12 {
n329= if (%panic == 1) { .ignore *!*@* | echo 4PANIC ON!! -- 6Everything is now being Ignored... | set %panic 2 | halt }
n330= if (%panic == 2) { .ignore -r *!*@* | echo 10PANIC OFF!! -- 6Everything has been Reset to Normal... | set %panic 1 | halt }
n332=-----------------------T╥╧LΩT ╨∙c|{ -mBIND- Aliases-----------------------
n333=/F9 {
n334= if ($1 == secondpart) {
n335= if ($2 != $null) {
n336= %i = 1 | :start
n337= if ($left($len($2),$nick(%i,#)) == $2) { run $mircdir $+ extras\mbind.exe 2 \031 $+ $nick(%i,#) $+ \015 $+ \002:\002\032 }
n338= elseif ($nick(%i,#) != $null) { inc %i | goto start }
n339= else echo 4 No Nicknames Matching $chr(2) $+ $2 $+ * $+ $chr(2) in $chr(31) $+ # $+ $chr(31) Found!
n340= }
n341= }
n342= else run $mircdir $+ extras\mbind.exe 3 mirc /f9 secondpart
n344=;-----------------------T╥╧LΩT ╨∙c|{ -Cool TalK- Aliases-----------------------
n345=;---[Big Words]---
n347=/Big {
n348= %Bc!Word = *2
n349= Set %Bc!Active $1
n350= %Bc!Lenth = $len(%Bc!Word)
n351= ;If %Bc!Lenth > 9 { Echo -a 4,1Too Many Letters!! Needs 2 B 9 Or Less! | halt }
n352= %Bc!Letter = 1 | %Bc!Line = 1 | %Bc!Ltn = 1 | %Bc!Write1 = $chr(160) | %Bc!Write2 = $chr(160) | %Bc!Write3 = $chr(160) | %Bc!Write4 = $chr(160) | %Bc!Write5 = $chr(160) | %Bc!Write6 = $chr(160)
n353= %Bc!Word = $replace(%Bc!Word,$chr(32),$chr(160))
n354= :Letter
n355= If $mid(%Bc!Letter,1,%Bc!Word) = $null { goto Word }
n356= Set %Bc!Letr $+ %Bc!Letter $mid(%Bc!Letter,1,%Bc!Word) | Inc %Bc!Letter | Goto Letter
n357= :Word | %Bc!Line = 1 | %Bc!Ltn = 1 | %Bc!Color! = %Bc!Color
n358= :Nl
n359= Set %Bc!Write $+ %Bc!Line %Bc!Write [ $+ [ %Bc!Line ] ] $+ %Bc!Color $readini C:\tduck\docs\letters.ini %Bc!Letr [ $+ [ %Bc!Ltn ] ] %Bc!Line | Inc %Bc!Ltn | Inc %Bc!Color | Goto Color
n360= :Color | If %Bc!Color = 8 { Inc %Bc!Color 2 } | If %Bc!Color = 11 { Inc %Bc!Color } | If %Bc!Color >= 14 { %Bc!Color = 2 } | If %Bc!End { Goto End }
n361= If %Bc!Ltn > %Bc!Lenth { Inc %Bc!Line | %Bc!Ltn = 1 | %Bc!Color = %Bc!Color! | If (%Bc!Line > 6) { %Bc!End = Yes | Inc %Bc!Color | Goto Color } } | Goto Nl
n362= :End | %Bc!Active %Bc!Write1 | %Bc!Active %Bc!Write2 | %Bc!Active %Bc!Write3 | %Bc!Active %Bc!Write4 | %Bc!Active %Bc!Write5 | %Bc!Active %Bc!Write6
n363= Unset %Bc!End %Bc!Letr
n366=/drunk /msg $active $5 $2 $8 $7 $11 $15 $10 $6 $1 $3 $9 $12 $13 $14 $4
n368=/pl {
n369= if ($1 == $null) { echo 6 $active Error in /pl | /echo 6 $active Syntax: /pl <text> | halt }
n370= set %vowels a e i o u | unset %i %wordlen %plword %leftside %rightside %wordlen2 | set %line $replace(*1,$chr(32),)
n371= :pl
n372= set %count $count(%line,) | set %count1 %count + 1
n373= if (%i == %count1 ) { /msg $active %plword | halt } | inc %i
n374= set %word $token(%i,127,%line) | set %wordlen $len(%word) | set %wordlen2 %wordlen - 1
n375= if (%wordlen == 1) set %plword %plword %word
n376= elseif ($left(1,%word) !isin %vowels) { set %rightside $right(%wordlen2,%word) | set %leftword %rightside $+ $left(1,%word) $+ ay | set %plword %plword %leftword }
n377= else set %plword %plword %word $+ ay | goto pl
n380=/ece {
n381= %c = *1
n382= set %c $replace(%c,a,4a)
n383= set %c $replace(%c,b,3B)
n384= set %c $replace(%c,c,6C)
n385= set %c $replace(%c,d,7D)
n386= set %c $replace(%c,e,4e)
n387= set %c $replace(%c,f,12F)
n388= set %c $replace(%c,g,13G)
n389= set %c $replace(%c,h,6H)
n390= set %c $replace(%c,i,4i)
n391= set %c $replace(%c,j,J)
n392= set %c $replace(%c,k,3K)
n393= set %c $replace(%c,l,L)
n394= set %c $replace(%c,m,4M)
n395= set %c $replace(%c,n,6N)
n396= set %c $replace(%c,o,4o)
n397= set %c $replace(%c,p,12P)
n398= set %c $replace(%c,q,Q)
n399= set %c $replace(%c,r,13R)
n400= set %c $replace(%c,s,7S)
n401= set %c $replace(%c,t,T)
n402= set %c $replace(%c,u,4u)
n403= set %c $replace(%c,v,V)
n404= set %c $replace(%c,w,12W)
n405= set %c $replace(%c,x,7X)
n406= set %c $replace(%c,y,Y)
n407= set %c $replace(%c,z,6z)
n408= set %c $replace(%c,?,12┐15?)
n409= say %c
n410= unset %c
n412=/bac {
n413= unset %final
n414= unset %endreverse
n415= set %sections $token(0,32,*1)
n416= :revstart
n417= if (%sections == 0) goto revend
n418= set %reverseme $token(%sections,32,*1)
n419= set %length $len(%reverseme)
n420= set %backtext $mid(%length,1,%reverseme)
n421= dec %length 1
n422= :backstart
n423= if (%length == 0) goto backend
n424= set %tempback $mid(%length,1,%reverseme)
n425= set %backtext %backtext $+ %tempback
n426= dec %length 1
n427= goto backstart
n428= :backend
n429= set %reversed_text %backtext
n430= set %temp %reversed_text
n431= set %final %final %temp
n432= dec %sections 1
n433= goto revstart
n434= :revend
n435= set %endreverse %final
n436= say %final
n438=/bg { %num = 1 | unset %msg | %msg = | %color = p
n439= :start
n440= if %color == p { %num2 = 1 | %num3 = 9 | %color = y | goto add }
n441= if %color == y { %num2 = 9 | %num3 = 1 | %color = p | goto add }
n442= :add
n443= if $mid(%num,1, *1) != $null {
n444= %msg = %msg $+ $+ %num2 $+ , $+ %num3 $+ $mid(%num, 1,*1) $+
n445= inc %num
n446= goto start }
n447= say %msg
n449=/cc { %num = 1 | unset %msg | %msg = | %color = p
n450= :start
n451= if %color == p { %num2 = 1 | %num3 = 9 | %color = y | goto add }
n452= if %color == y { %num2 = 4 | %num3 = 1 | %color = p | goto add }
n453= :add
n454= if $mid(%num,1, *1) != $null {
n455= %msg = %msg $+ $+ %num2 $+ , $+ %num3 $+ $mid(%num, 1,*1) $+
n456= inc %num
n457= goto start }
n458= say %msg
n460=/ec {
n461= set %ftalk *1
n462= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,a,2σ)
n463= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,b,3■)
n464= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,c,4╟)
n465= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,d,5╨)
n466= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,e,6δ)
n467= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,f,7F)
n468= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,g,8G)
n469= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,h,9H)
n470= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,i,10ε)
n471= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,j,11J)
n472= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,k,12K)
n473= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,l,13ú)
n474= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,m,14M)
n475= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,n,15±)
n476= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,o,2°)
n477= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,p,3╢)
n478= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,q,4Q)
n479= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,r,5«)
n480= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,s,6º)
n481= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,t,7T)
n482= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,u,8╡)
n483= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,v,9V)
n484= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,w,10\\')
n485= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,x,11╫)
n486= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,y,12Ñ)
n487= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,z,12Z)
n488= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,!,4!)
n489= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,?,4?)
n490= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,*,5*)
n491= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,^,6^)
n492= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,$,7$)
n493= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,@,9@)
n494= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,&,10&)
n495= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,",11")
n496= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,<,12<)
n497= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,>,13>!)
n498= SAY %ftalk
n500=/e {
n501= set %ftalk *1
n502= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,a,σ)
n503= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,b,▀)
n504= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,c,⌐)
n505= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,d,╨)
n506= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,e,δ)
n507= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,f,F)
n508= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,g,G)
n509= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,h,H)
n510= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,i,ε)
n511= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,j,J)
n512= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,k,K)
n513= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,l,ú)
n514= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,m,M)
n515= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,n,±)
n516= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,o,°)
n517= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,p,╢)
n518= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,q,Q)
n519= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,r,«)
n520= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,s,º)
n521= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,t,t)
n522= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,u,╡)
n523= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,v,V)
n524= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,w,\\')
n525= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,x,╫)
n526= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,y,Ñ)
n527= %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,z,Z)
n528= say %ftalk
n530=/r {
n531= set %i $replace(*1,$chr(32),á) | set %i $left(200,%i) | set %o $chr(3) $+ 4,1 | set %p 1 | set %c 1
n532= :loop
n533= set %o %o $+ $chr(3) $+ $token( %c , 38 , 4&7&8&9&11&13 ) $+ $mid(%p,1,%i)
n534= inc %p
n535= if ( $mid(%p,1,%i) != á) { inc %c }
n536= if ( %c > 6 ) { set %c 1 }
n537= if ( $mid(%p,1,%i) != $null ) { goto loop }
n538= say %o
n539= unset %o %i %p %c
n541=/brick { %num = 1 | unset %msg | %msg = | %color = p
n542= :start
n543= if %color == p { %num2 = 1 | %num3 = 4 | %color = y | goto add }
n544= if %color == y { %num2 = 4 | %num3 = 1 | %color = p | goto add }
n545= :add
n546= if $mid(%num,1, *1) != $null {
n547= %msg = %msg $+ $+ %num2 $+ , $+ %num3 $+ $mid(%num, 1,*1) $+
n548= inc %num
n549= goto start }
n550= say %msg
n552=/bw { %num = 1 | unset %msg | %msg = | %color = p
n553= :start
n554= if %color == p { %num2 = 1 | %num3 = 16 | %color = y | goto add }
n555= if %color == y { %num2 = 16 | %num3 = 1 | %color = p | goto add }
n556= :add
n557= if $mid(%num,1, *1) != $null {
n558= %msg = %msg $+ $+ %num2 $+ , $+ %num3 $+ $mid(%num, 1,*1) $+
n559= inc %num
n560= goto start }
n561= say %msg
n563=/wr { %num = 1 | unset %msg | %msg = | %color = p
n564= :start
n565= if %color == p { %num2 = 0 | %num3 = 4 | %color = y | goto add }
n566= if %color == y { %num2 = 4 | %num3 = 0 | %color = p | goto add }
n567= :add
n568= if $mid(%num,1, *1) != $null {
n569= %msg = %msg $+ $+ %num2 $+ , $+ %num3 $+ $mid(%num, 1,*1) $+
n570= inc %num
n571= goto start }
n572= say %msg
n574=/rg { %num = 1 | unset %msg | %msg = | %color = p
n575= :start
n576= if %color == p { %num2 = 9 | %num3 = 4 | %color = y | goto add }
n577= if %color == y { %num2 = 4 | %num3 = 9 | %color = p | goto add }
n578= :add
n579= if $mid(%num,1, *1) != $null {
n580= %msg = %msg $+ $+ %num2 $+ , $+ %num3 $+ $mid(%num, 1,*1) $+
n581= inc %num
n582= goto start }
n583= say %msg